Well, after several attempts to load my latest video of RG eating rice cereal for the first time, I'm resigned to give up! I have to wait until my camera is rebooted with more battery life! Argh... I'm waiting for a camera that will last forever and has a battery that never dies! :) Still waiting... waiting... Oh well... I guess I'll have to plug this one in until I find that magic one!
Robert Graham has been sick this week and it makes me truly value our time together. He is so precious to me. I cannot believe how fast time flies when you have a little one. I know in a few days he'll be pulling Piper's tail (on purpose) and running after him. He's starting to sit up for a few seconds on his own before falling over. I really hope that this sickness doesn't cause him any setbacks in his progress, but what can you do?
I'm hanging in there, still coughing and hacking myself, but as long as Lil' Bob feels better, Mommy can't be happier! :)
I love you all and I promise more pictures soon!