Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sick Day

Today you were so sick and so was Mommy! I've decided that you may have mild asthma. I hope for your sake that this is not so, however, we will go to the doctor tomorrow and have you checked out and see what he thinks. Most of the time when you are sick you are so sweet and give me hugs, but today, you were too busy! I had to discipline you often, which I hate doing because I know how tired you are and how disrupted our schedule has been the last few days due to being sick together. This week I go back to work. I want you to know that I don't want to go back to work. I love staying with you all the time. Our schedule won't change all that much because you already go to Mom's Day Out, I will just be there now, right down the hall. In some ways, this is SO great, because if you need me, I'll be right there. I know you enjoy your class, but some days I think it might be punishment for me that I have to work for putting you there in the first place, for needing more time to do other things. Well, now I won't have you all the time or be able to do other things. I'm trying very hard to do what's best for you. I hope you know how much I love you and how much I desire for you to grow in the knowledge and grace of Jesus Christ.

I love you my bug,

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Your car

Mommy had a very hard time getting rid of your toy car stroller that you got for your first birthday. I went to the consignment shop and left it in the hands of the sales people there, but when I went to leave I cried because that car was your favorite! It was so much fun watching you discover trees, grass, birds, and all of God's creatures that we passed while I pushed you in that car! I love you and hope that I did the right thing by letting some other Mommy discover it for their little one.
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Saturday, August 28, 2010

2nd Birthday

So I guess I find myself at a loss for words... My heart is heavy, my baby is growing into a boy! I know I want him to grow healthy and strong, but I'm not ready for this sweet age to end. I never knew how absolutely blessed I would be by raising this little future knight. I had no idea the struggles and pain it would cause me to release him every day into another phase of trust to my Father and King. Its hard to let my boy "do it himself" and its hard to watch triumphantly as he accomplishes what he sets out to do! I want to hold him and kiss him all the time because I know there may come a day when that's just "not cool". I really wish some days that he could stay my baby forever but I know that's not truly what I want. I know that I don't want to waste time with him! I don't want to waste our precious moments together squandering it away watching t.v. or some other useless task but I feel the hours and days and moments passing me by while I'm being selfish or hoping for more or better when I should be completly satisfied with what God has given me. So, tonight I will just say thank you Father for my shining star, my angel, and after you and Reagan, my reason for getting up in the morning! Thank you for my precious boy! I don't know how in the world you could possibly give your son to die for me, but now more than ever I understand what kind of sacrifice that was and I thank you... I know this may sound like rambling, but thank you.
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010


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RG and I had such a good day today! We had a lot of fun playing with Play-doh and just messing around with toys!

Vacation in New Orleans, July 2010

We had a great time going to New Orleans zoo, aquarium and even 3-D Imax that Lil'Bob actually sat through! He tried the glasses, but decided he'd rather just watch without them. We also toured the Dinosaur exhibit and he decided he really wasn't a "real life-sized" dinosaur man. He would rather them be a little smaller than him! We saw penguins, seals, giraffes, lions, tigers, elephants, and other animals. His favorite part of the whole zoo, however, was the puddles! It was raining all day long, but instead of being grumpy, he just took off running and found the deepest, muddiest puddles he could find! Had a blast!

We also spent one evening in the E.R. with a lovely sickness called "Croupe". He sounded just like the seals barking! It was actually the nicest, friendliest, and fastest E.R. we've ever been to!

All in all, we had a great time! We will soon be going to another zoo! We have four on our list for the summer!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Blueberry Pickin' Day

We went to the blueberry farm and as usual we were glad they did not weigh RG on the way out! He definitely ate more than he put in his bucket!!! :)

Monday, June 14, 2010


We went to Molino to pick blueberries! Had a great time... Robert Graham ate more than he put in his bucket, but he gets that honest! We did get about a gallon all told! YUM!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lil' Bob & Cereal

This was really funny today, I'm not sure how much he talks in this one, but I'm experimenting with video posting b/c my sisters are requesting! :) Love you Aunties...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt!

Just thought I'd see if this video would work! We'll see! Leave a comment if you would like!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Outfit and Time with Auntie!

Mommy made me wear something extremely cute for Easter, however, my first word
when I got it on was "OUT!"
(It's also hard to smile when your mouth is full of jelly beans!)
There we go! Auntie is FUNNY when she takes my picture!

Me and Auntie after we went on an egg hunt. I love my Auntie Laura. She's very fun!

Monday, March 15, 2010

18 Months! Wow!

Wow! Look at this!
I'm doing it on my own!

Peek-a-boo! I see you Mommy!

Let's go down together!

I'm waiting Mom!

Okay, I guess I can take a short picture break!

I love it!

Daddy, your classroom is the best running place I've ever seen!


I see you!

Today, Robert Graham and I went to Daddy's classroom and brought him lunch. (RG got hungry in the car, so he ate early!) Then, we went to the park right down the street from Daddy's work. We had a lot of fun playing on the slides and swings and stickin' our hands in the sand.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Outside! It's Finally Warm Enough!!!

Robert Graham , Daddy, and Mommy had a great time today playing with our sand and water station today. Lil' Bob got a lil' dirty! It was finally really nice outside though, around 54 degrees! We can't wait to go to the beach soon! YEAH!!!
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Friday, January 8, 2010

Leaves in January

You know, we always thought that when you raked leaves it would be sometime in August, September, maybe even October, but here we are in Pensacola, FL, raking leaves at the first of January! WOW!!! On the other hand, Robert Graham had a blast jumping in the leaves and rolling around. He also loved taking the leaves in the wheel barrow with Grammy to the backyard. His favorite part was riding in the wheel barrow! :)