Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sick Day

Today you were so sick and so was Mommy! I've decided that you may have mild asthma. I hope for your sake that this is not so, however, we will go to the doctor tomorrow and have you checked out and see what he thinks. Most of the time when you are sick you are so sweet and give me hugs, but today, you were too busy! I had to discipline you often, which I hate doing because I know how tired you are and how disrupted our schedule has been the last few days due to being sick together. This week I go back to work. I want you to know that I don't want to go back to work. I love staying with you all the time. Our schedule won't change all that much because you already go to Mom's Day Out, I will just be there now, right down the hall. In some ways, this is SO great, because if you need me, I'll be right there. I know you enjoy your class, but some days I think it might be punishment for me that I have to work for putting you there in the first place, for needing more time to do other things. Well, now I won't have you all the time or be able to do other things. I'm trying very hard to do what's best for you. I hope you know how much I love you and how much I desire for you to grow in the knowledge and grace of Jesus Christ.

I love you my bug,