Friday, November 21, 2008

Baby It's Cold Outside

We took Lil' Bob out in the snow for a few minutes today to get some pictures of him in his snowsuit! I wasn't sure he would be able to fit in it very much longer, so luckily it snowed early! :) He was not positive as to what to DO exactly with the snowflakes that fell on his "nose and eyelashes"! He was very happy this morning though and did not cry when he got cold flakes on his face. He is such a sweet and generally good-natured baby. It worries me sometimes because he doesn't cry that much!!! He's just very pleasant and happy. Here are some pictures that I promised!

1 comment:

Linsi said...

Hey, don't worry about that!! Bryanna didn't cry and such much either, was a great baby and I thank God for that too.. makes you actually want to have more! Meghan is wonderful too but she was a lot tougher of a baby with colic and all! Anywho.. love you bunches and Robert is adorable!