Monday, August 27, 2012

The Tower of Babel and Homemade Play-doh

Play-doh is a dirty business!

Do we eat it?  Nope!  Yucko!  I asked you, RG, what you thought it would taste like and you said, "umm... salt?"  YEA!!  Correct answer, but you didn't want to try it though!

Let's make it ORANGE!!!

Building our tower of babel... but it broke down about five inches up... just like our other plans we make without God.  If we think we can do it on our own, we are quickly made aware of our failure!

Now, it's just time to play with the texture!  We discovered that making homemade play-doh from scratch, starts off really hot, and gradually becomes cooler.  It is soft, yet has a grainy texture.

RG doesn't love to color right now, it's like pulling teeth to get him to use crayons!  We love to paint though!  :)

We had a great day today!  Mondays are always fun days!

Mommy will always love you!  You are SO fun and energetic and wonderful!  I love teaching you K4!  We get to do SO much more at home than you would get to do at a preschool!  You are so smart and so into everything we do!  I'm so proud of you, my boy!  My favorite!  :)


1 comment:

Reagan and Kara Marsh said...

You guys are doing a great job! I am so proud of you both!